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Learning Advanced SAS from a Macro: Part 2

Okay, where we left off on the propensity score macro from Feng, Wu and Xu and the nifty things you can learn from reading someone else’s code, in this case, their propensity score macro with calipers …. We previously dealt with the situation where you had no matches and exactly one match. If you find…

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You learn one programming language, you’ve learned them all (sort of): SPSS Quintiles Example

Recently, I had the need to write the exact same programs twice, once using SAS and once using SPSS syntax. Even though these aren’t the same language, having done it once made it much easier to do it the second time. Let’s start with quintile matching. I’ve been rambling on about propensity scores lately and…


Statistics is Everywhere: An unexpected use of PROC SURVEYSELECT

Although I tell my students all of the time that statistics is everywhere, even I did not really see where mixed martial arts, free rice and PROC SURVEYSELECT could possibly have anything in common. Here is what happened …. Mixed martial arts Darling daughter #3 after the Olympics decides not to go to college as…


Statisticians need an Occam, or at least a razor

                  My initial exposure to Occam’s razor came in my first undergraduate economics class. Perhaps due to my tender years, it made a great impression, and I have tried to apply it ever since. In short, Occam’s razor advises us when presented with competing, plausible choices, the…