
Whipping your data into shape with SAS : Day 2 Fixing Errors & Identifying Input Datasets

Last post, we happily uploaded our data, read it into SAS using a combination of SAS utilities and coding, decided all was lovely and used this code to concatenate the 4 datasets. DATA allplants ; set import1 – import4 ; IF you get an error at this point, what should you do? Let’s say you…

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Whipping your data into shape with SAS : Part 1 for Today

I’m sure I’ve written about this before – after all, I’ve been writing this blog for 10 years – but here’s something I’ve been thinking about: Most students don’t graduate with nearly enough experience with real data. You can use government websites with de-identified data from surveys, and I do, but I teach primarily engineering…

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How SAS Helped Me Make Our Best-Selling Educational Game: Part 2

Last time, I gave a bit about the requirements of a game to match the most synonyms in one minute, and how what I learned using SAS was a basis for several parts of the game. This activity is going into Making Camp Premium, which will be a paid version of our best-selling game, Making…