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More after the data step (the naked mole rat continues)

When last seen, our heroes were attempting to write a book with the title Beyond SAS Basics: Tips, Statistics and a Naked Mole Rat The first chapter was entitled After the Data Step. The first half of it was posted here earlier which you would know if you were following this blog in the probably…

What I’ve Been Doing Instead of Blogging- Analysis of Ethics & Other Stuff (lots of stuff)

After reading that Curt Monash writes FIVE blogs on software and marketing, I felt as if  I had no excuse for not keeping up lately. However, for my excuse, you can click the link below: For my cinchcast explanation of why I have not been blogging. Also, anyone with suggested uses for a yoke, let…

Multicollinearity statistics with SPSS

“Can you explain multicollinearity statistics?” she asked. Why, yes, yes I can. First of all, as noted in the Journal of Polymorphous Perversity, “Multicollinearity is not a life-threatening condition except when a depressed graduate student employs multiple, redundant measures.” What is multicollinearity, then, and how do you know if you have it? Multicollinearity is a…