
Whipping your data into shape with SAS : Day 2 Fixing Errors & Identifying Input Datasets

Last post, we happily uploaded our data, read it into SAS using a combination of SAS utilities and coding, decided all was lovely and used this code to concatenate the 4 datasets. DATA allplants ; set import1 – import4 ; IF you get an error at this point, what should you do? Let’s say you…

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Whipping your data into shape with SAS : Part 1 for Today

I’m sure I’ve written about this before – after all, I’ve been writing this blog for 10 years – but here’s something I’ve been thinking about: Most students don’t graduate with nearly enough experience with real data. You can use government websites with de-identified data from surveys, and I do, but I teach primarily engineering…

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How SAS Helped Me Make Our Best-Selling Educational Game: Part 2

Last time, I gave a bit about the requirements of a game to match the most synonyms in one minute, and how what I learned using SAS was a basis for several parts of the game. This activity is going into Making Camp Premium, which will be a paid version of our best-selling game, Making…


What would you do if one person changed your results?

This is a hypothetical question, but it could easily happen. Let me give you a real example. Using a mobile phone game, we administered a standard depression screening measure (CESD-C) to 18 children living on or near an American Indian reservation. All children had a family member who was an alcoholic or addicted to drugs. …


Becoming a real software developer, using SAS, or whatever

God spare me from the self-taught software developer who knows only the latest thing. I’m not against the latest thing, whether it is react or ember or Python games on Raspberry Pi or whatever it is today. My objection is to the fallacy that it is the only thing or even the most import thing. …

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The 5 Building Blocks of Success

So you want to be a successful software developer / consultant ? If you are in any kind of quantitative field you have a VAST range of options, from working at some of the largest companies in the world in marketing research to performing efficacy studies for non-profits whose staff members can be counted on…