Probability, small business and the government shutdown

I have a meeting scheduled for Washington, D.C. that includes federal employees and government contractors. Many of these people are not working now and the building where it is supposed to take place is closed. I had to decide whether or not to buy my plane ticket today and take advantage of the three-week advance…

Changing your path with pointing and clicking in SAS Enterprise Guide

I am aware that the world is full of people who don’t know what a C-prompt is and who are unfamiliar with the concept of a path. Suppose you are one of those people (and no, I’m not judging you As Will Rogers said, “Everyone is ignorant, just on different subjects. He was a pretty…

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Don’t Believe Other People are Smarter Than You + Github is awesome

If you want to be a programmer, entrepreneur or a statistician, the best advice that I can give is, “Don’t believe other people are smarter than you.” Sometimes that is hard advice to take. I read an interesting blog post by Ali Berlinksi, “I miss being stereotyped”, about being Asian-American and moving to an area…