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The Sea Monkey Effect prevents robot uprising

Since I have written about odds ratios and logs lately, I was going to write about the natural log of the odds ratio, however, random events have caused me to do otherwise. I read an interesting blog by Adam Jackson lately, in which he is concerned that robots will take over the world. At the…

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Phi coefficients, odds ratios and the F-word

Yes, I am the F-word – a feminist. I was at a faculty meeting this weekend and one of the presenters began by saying, pointing to a colleague in the audience, “I am sure Dr. Y knows more about this than me.” Several times in her presentation on analysis of assessment data she would pause…

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SAS was good today and so was the weather

It was 85 degrees in soCal today. Just thought I would rub that in for the benefit of my former and present colleagues in the frozen north. The advantage of having a blog as opposed to doing an on-line course is that I can just randomly switch subjects, which in my office is referred to…