Search Results for: logistic


Interpreting Confirmatory Factor Analysis Output from Mplus

Being able to find SPSS in the start menu does not qualify you to run a multi-nomial logistic regression. This is the kind of comment statisticians find funny that leaves other people scratching their heads. The point is that it’s not that difficult to get output for some fairly complex statistical procedures. Let’s start with…

Who Says Chinese Education is Better?

Before you think I am hating on the Chinese people or Asian-Americans, please go and read this article, “In China, families bet it all on college education for their children.” I’ll wait. Assuming you didn’t read it, I’ll summarize. The Wus have one daughter who studies 13 hours a day and still graduated 16th in…


Should transgender athletes compete in women’s MMA: The data

There has been far more heat than light surrounding the current controversy over whether a transgender (male to female) fighter should be allowed to compete in mixed martial arts in the women’s division. This article on The Verge said that opponents of Ms. Fox competition “are not supported by the current science”, citing the fact…


Mixed Models and other new stuff

“I’m XX years old and I’ve never used (insert any statistical technique here). Why do I need to know this?” I’ve heard some version of the above on every topic from linear regression to structural equation models, and at every age from teenagers to executives in their sixties. I’ve even made comments like that myself….


Learning Statistics with SAS Enterprise Guide/ SAS On-Demand

Lately, I have been ignoring lots of good advice. I ignored the rocket scientist who told me I write too much about that statistical software thing whatever it is and that maybe I should write about javascript or something else of interest to a broader audience. I ignored my better instincts which told me loud…

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Changing SAS Enterprise Guide Data File

With the new SAS On-Demand for Academics, I presume there will be a lot of professors who have a teaching assistant, research assistant or intern preparing the data for examples for their classes. Or, you may be co-authoring a paper with one of your colleagues. Let’s suppose you are working on a SAS Enterprise Guide…

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Choosing the Right Propensity Score Method: A statistics fable

Once upon a time there were statisticians who thought the answer to everything was to be as precise, correct and “bleeding edge” as possible. If their analyses were precise to 12 decimal places instead of 5, of course they were better because as everyone knows , 12 is more than 5 (and statisticians knew it…