Search Results for: logistic


Spring-cleaning in a statistician’s office

There must be some hallucinogenic drug given off by spring flowers, because it is the one time in the year when I am struck by the irrational thought, “Maybe I should clean my office.” Like any other spring cleaning undertaking, random things are uncovered that make me think, “Huh. I wonder what that was for.”…

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Learning Advanced SAS from a Macro: Part 4

Continuing to learn Advanced SAS from the Propensity Score Matching with Calipers macro from Feng, Yu & Xu , we take our data set we created by doing a principal components analysis on the cases (experimental) group, using the coefficients from that analysis to score every record in our control group, concatenating the cases and controls,…

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You learn one programming language, you’ve learned them all (sort of): SPSS Quintiles Example

Recently, I had the need to write the exact same programs twice, once using SAS and once using SPSS syntax. Even though these aren’t the same language, having done it once made it much easier to do it the second time. Let’s start with quintile matching. I’ve been rambling on about propensity scores lately and…